Antioch ABC OHCE Club


DHS baby shower gifts to be collected at December meeting


The Antioch ABC OHCE Club held its regular monthly meeting Nov. 15. Members present were Chestine Box, Gayla Ezzell, Jeanne Rowlett, Ron Endler, Mona Endler, Rose Snellgrooes, Gay Freeman and Carol Darrow.

First, we must send our condolences to our Garvin County President, Pat Tracy. Our hearts are heavy from sharing her loss of her husband, Chester Tracy. We are so sorry.

The meeting opened with the singing of “Happy Birthday” to Carol Darrow, followed by the group reading of the Collect and the Pledge of Allegiance.

The group signed Christmas cards for the Veterans’ clinic and home. Ron Endler, our special veteran, will be delivering them for us.

There will be a retirement reception for Nanette Shultz from the OSU Extension Service office on January 9 at the Santa Fe Depot in Pauls Valley. Her retirement will definitely leave a big hole to fill, but we are happy for her nonetheless. We wish her happiness as she plays the new role as Grandma, Nana, Grandmother, Nanny, Granny or whatever she’s lucky to be called.

Much discussion was spent on the upcoming club Christmas party to be held Dec. 20. Those participating should bring a gift for the DHS baby shower. We will also exchange gifts, but they must be a re-gift or something homemade. In order to not embarrass others who follow instructions, do not go buy a new gift.

Finally, bring a Christmas snack to share.

We hope to see all of our members at the next meeting Dec. 20.