Antioch ABC OHCE club news


Visitors welcome at next monthly meeting March 21.


The Antioch ABC OHCE club met at the Antioch Community Center on February 21 for its regularly monthly meeting. Seven members in attendance were Joy Pyle, Mona Endler, Ron Endler, Chestine Box, Jeanne Rowlett, Rose Snelgrooes and Carol Darrow.

We send our condolences to fellow member JoAnn Adams on the death of her husband, Vernon Adams. We are sorry for her loss and we send her our love and support.

President Chestine Box opened the meeting with members singing a song, the group reading of the Collect, and the Pledge of Allegiance. Members answered roll call by telling how many children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren they are lucky enough to have. Joy Pyle was the winner with the most, lucky lady.

Members of the club who earned 100% attendance for the 2021 year were: Chestine Box, Mona Endler, Ron Endler, Gayla Ezzell, Jeanne Rowlett and Carol Darrow. Great job members!

Our lesson entitled “Sheet Pan Meals” was given by Mona Endler. This process is easier to prep and cleanup. It’s prepared on a single rimmed sheet pan in the oven. The lesson was very interesting just like always. Other members gave more ideas on how to bake the one pan meals.

While in discussion, it was drawn to our attention that the kitchen has a big pot (Dutch oven) missing. It is a greenish color and has been missing a few months. If you borrowed it and forgot to bring it back, please do so, as it is needed often.

After an enjoyable and informative meeting, refreshments were served. It’s always good to see what each member has brought. Our next club monthly meeting will be March 21 at 2 p.m. All members are encouraged to attend and visitors or prospective members are welcome.