Oklahoma and Texas seek solution to Red River water dispute

  • Oklahoma Watch
    Oklahoma Watch
  • Oklahoma House Speaker Charles McCall, R-Atoka, and the University of Oklahoma President Joseph Harroz Jr. chat before the first meeting of a reconstituted Red River Boundary Commission April 13 at the Oklahoma Capitol. (Paul Monies/Oklahoma Watch)
    Oklahoma House Speaker Charles McCall, R-Atoka, and the University of Oklahoma President Joseph Harroz Jr. chat before the first meeting of a reconstituted Red River Boundary Commission April 13 at the Oklahoma Capitol. (Paul Monies/Oklahoma Watch)
A mapping mistake and the rise of an invasive species in Lake Texoma has elevated a boundary dispute between Oklahoma and Texas into a novel question for water and property rights experts. Unlike the Red River bridge dispute almost a century ago that led to then-Oklahoma Gov. William “Alfalfa Bill” Murray calling out the National Guard, this disagreement will likely end on quieter terms. The…

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